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about me:

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Some data
born in 1967
two years of studying mathematics
Studying "Vor- und Frühgeschichte" (archaeology) at the LMU Munich
final degree: Master of Arts (1.0)
broad experience: excavation, programming, acquisition
highly motivated



Master Thesis by S. Biermeier (1997)
Die Kirchengrabung St. Martin in Dunningen, Kreis Rottweil

alamannic burials and churches from meriviongian up to modern times (PDF 26,5 MB)
 Presentation about Dunningen (pps 4,5 MB)

















Stefan Biermeier
Hübnerstr. 17 Aufgang
80637 München

Tel. +49-89-180745
Fax +48-89-12023967
mobil +49-179-6569205

eMail: kontakt@singularch.de




last updated: 04.05.11